Bodies generally come and go, but lenses generally stay - if you buy quality. Personally looking at your lens lineup I would recommend spending money on upgrading your lenses and look for a new body in the future. Now, I will also say I bought a FF camera because I have a lens and accessory lineup that I need for my work. Also, while I like the control and feel of the 5D2, you can learn a new system so this really should not be a big factor.
If the price was within $200 I would buy a 6D, newer technology and better AF and low light ISO (not a big factor for me since I don't plan on using the 5D2 for sports). Other factors for me, I don't like buying used cameras so price and warranty factor a lot in my choices. I did not want to spend $1,900 for a camera, so saving $500 was big for me.
Layout and feel also played a part, I like the size, feel and control layout of the 5D2 (just what I am use to using). I have had zero problems getting the AF to perform for my needs. The AF is not a big deal, shot for years with a 10D and 20D and very comfortable with the AF performance of the 5D2. I have the best two cameras for my type of shooting. I bought the 5D2 for several reasons, one works as a great compliment to my 7D. I recently bought a new 5D MK II, but I was able to get it for just over $1,400 - about what used 5D MK IIs are being sold for right now. after you get the 6D, buy a good lens! You could also look into a used 5D2 in good condition, that'll save you some cash that you can invest in other places.ĦD | 5DII | Sony RX100 | 35 L | 70-200 L f/2.8 IS II | 580EX II Since you are asking about the body only, my short answer without getting all technical is, get the 6D.
All in all, the 6D in my opinion is only a marginal upgrade from the 5D2, they both produce about the same quality images given the right conditions with good glass. go hold both in a shop, do some test shots with each if they'll let you. how comfortable you are with the camera means a lot too. However, I don't like the directional pad on the 6D, its awkward compared to the 5D2's joystick. I got the 6D as a replacement for the 5D2 today for its low light performance - less noise at higher ISO and better center point focusing ability the wi-fi I will occasionally use. It's been good at everything I've needed it to do. I've owned the 5D2 for two years, I love it.